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Can you have a small vegetable garden in an apartment?

Peut-on avoir un petit potager en appartement ? - La Green Touch

Laetitia Tavares |

Do you dream of growing a few fruits or vegetables, seeing them grow and then tasting your own small harvest? But now, you are skeptical because you live in an apartment and you think it is impossible.

La Green Touch explains what you need to know to create a small apartment vegetable garden and what varieties of vegetable plants you can grow.

If you can put planters on your window sills, this is ideal. Plants will benefit from full light, sun, rain and cool nights.

If this is not the case, don't panic, the plants will stay indoors, near a window.

Certainly they will be better outdoors, but it is also quite possible to keep them indoors, close to a light source during the summer season.

Above all, it is ideal to select varieties of plants of moderate height and growth so that they do not invade all your space.

Thus, all aromatic plants can easily be grown in pots: thyme, rosemary, sage, chives, basil, coriander, mint, as well as the different varieties of salads.

You can either use purchased seedlings or sow your own seeds, depending on your preference.

As for berries, strawberries are the most appropriate. They will grow without difficulty provided they are exposed to the sun as much as possible so that the fruits ripen.

Finally, cherry tomatoes, peppers, Cayenne or Espelette peppers can be grown in pots, but only on your windowsills. The action of a pollinating insect is necessary on the flowers to obtain fruit.

So a small vegetable garden in an apartment is possible, provided that you use appropriate varieties, respect an environment that is as bright as possible, and appropriate watering as soon as the soil is dry on the surface.