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Garden Essentials: Outdoor Plants for March, April and May

Les Incontournables du Jardin : Plantes d'Extérieur pour Mars, Avril et Mai

Laetitia Tavares |

With the return of sunny days, the garden slowly wakes up from its winter sleep. Now is the perfect time to prepare your green space for the upcoming growing season. Each month, from March to May, offers a unique opportunity to plant, care for and grow different plant species. Let's discover together the plants to favor to beautify your garden throughout spring.

March: The Garden Awakens

  • Spring Bulbs: It's time to see the crocuses, daffodils and tulips, planted the previous fall, bloom. Their explosion of colors announces the imminent arrival of spring.
  • Perennials: Some perennials, such as primroses and hellebores (Christmas roses), begin to bloom in March, bringing a touch of color under bare shrubs.
  • Flowering Shrubs: March is also the month when forsythias and camellias display their spectacular blooms, providing vibrant scenes of yellow and pink.

March Tip: This is the last time to prune shrubs and rose bushes before the growing season begins in earnest.

April: Flourishing

  • Annuals: April is the ideal time to start sowing annuals in the ground such as cosmos, zinnias and sunflowers, which will flower all summer long.
  • Perennials: Plant perennials like lupins, delphiniums and peonies for impressive blooms later in the season.
  • Fruit Trees: Cherry trees, apple trees and other fruit trees are in bloom, promising a tasty harvest for the months to come.

Avril's Tip: Start fertilizing your plants to support their growth during this period of intense activity.

May: Full Flowering

  • Vegetables: It's time to plant summer vegetables like tomatoes, zucchini and peppers, after the last frosts.
  • Aromatic Plants: Enrich your garden or balcony with aromatic herbs such as basil, mint or thyme, perfect for your summer kitchens.
  • The Rose Bushes: The rose bushes are beginning their first major flowering, filling the air with their delicate scents and decorating the garden with their bright colors.

May Tip: Be sure to water your plants regularly, especially if the spring is dry, to encourage healthy and robust development.

Discover our most beautiful outdoor plants here

Following the rhythm of nature by selecting plants adapted to each month of spring will allow you to enjoy a vibrant and colorful garden. March, April and May are key months for establishing the foundations of a thriving garden, which will continue to grow and beautify your outdoor space throughout the year. So, don’t hesitate to get your hands in the ground and welcome spring with a garden full of life!