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How to Choose the Perfect Flowering Plant for Your Outdoors: Practical Guide

Comment Choisir la Parfaite Plante Fleurie pour Votre Extérieur : Guide Pratique

Laetitia Tavares |

Choosing the right flowering plant for your garden, balcony or terrace can seem intimidating given the abundance of varieties available. However, a few wise tips can turn this task into a pleasant discovery. This guide will help you select flowering plants that will beautify your outdoor space while being adapted to your environment and your gardening abilities.

1. Assess Growth Conditions

  • Light: Observe the amount of direct sunlight your outdoor space receives. Plants are generally classified according to their sun requirements: full sun, partial shade, or full shade.
  • Soil: The type of soil influences the absorption of water and nutrients. Some flowers prefer clay soils, while others thrive in sandy or humus-rich soils.
  • Climate: Choose plants adapted to your climate zone. Consider frost resistance and heat tolerance.

2. Take Maintenance into Account

  • Watering: Be realistic about the time you can spend watering. Opt for drought-resistant plants if you are often away.
  • Specific Care: Some flowers require regular pruning, specific fertilization or care against diseases and parasites.

3. Thinking About Lifespan and Flowering Period

  • Annuals vs. Perennials: Annuals must be replanted every year but flower for a long time, while perennials return each year with a shorter flowering period.
  • Seasonality: Select plants with varied flowering times to enjoy color throughout the year.

4. Harmonize with Your Space and Style

  • Size and Shape: Take into account the space available and the potential growth of the plant. Some can grow very large and dwarf other plants.
  • Colors and Textures: Choose colors that complement or contrast with the surroundings and other plants in your garden to create a harmonious landscape.

5. Promoting Biodiversity

  • Attract Wildlife: Opt for nectar-producing plants that attract pollinators such as bees, butterflies and birds. This contributes to the health of your garden and the preservation of biodiversity.

Discover our collection of flowering plants here

Selecting the ideal flowering plant for your exterior is not limited to choosing the most aesthetic species. It’s also about understanding the needs of the plant and making sure they match your environment and lifestyle. By following these tips, you will be able to create a vibrant, colorful and fulfilling outdoor space that reflects your passion for gardening and your commitment to nature.