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Offer a houseplant

Offrir une plante d'intérieur - La Green Touch

Laetitia Tavares |

Why offer a houseplant?

A lasting gift

Unlike a bouquet of flowers, for example, indoor plants are durable gifts that can live for several years and accompany you throughout your life!

Develop your green thumb

There is nothing more satisfying than watching your plant evolve, grow and flourish. And for that, you will naturally take a liking to maintaining your plant, which will undoubtedly become your pet plant!

Having a plant at home is a fun gift, we discover how to take care of it, how to water it, repot it, give it fertilizer, it will become a real companion plant.

Plants are good for your health

Thanks to photosynthesis, the plant absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen and cleans the air and purifies your interior space.
Discover our collection of purifying plants without delay!

A decorative gift

An indoor plant can adapt to any interior, whether you have a bohemian, modern or chic decoration, the plant will embellish the furniture and make your interior more lively.

The ideal plants to give as a gift

Find here our essential plants to give away!