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plant symbols

Les symboles des plantes - La Green Touch

Laetitia Tavares |

Do you like plants and surround yourself with them? No doubt because they give you well-being and serenity. But did you know that each plant symbolizes an emotion, and thus has its own special meaning? So many people like to believe that surrounding themselves with plants that symbolize things you want or believe in can contribute to a positive environment.

In addition, knowing the symbolism of your favorite plants can also help you in choosing the decoration of your room or for a personalized gift. You will be able to use the language of plants to convey a particular message to the people you love.

Each plant has its own language, and has something to say, depending on its seasonality and its history, but we often ignore its own symbolism. If, for example, we know that the red rose symbolizes passionate love, what about our indoor plants that adorn our rooms? In this article, we tell you all about the symbolism of your favorite plants!

The origin of plant symbolism

First of all, a bit of history! Know that the symbolism of plants dates back to Greek Antiquity. It appears in religious texts such as the Bible, but also finds its place in artistic and literary works from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, up to the present day. In 1809, Joseph Hammer-Purgstall even published the Dictionary of the Language of Flowers.


“Daughter of the air” or Tillandsia, is a perennial and flowering plant that grows quickly. This plant is native to American deserts. It symbolizes freedom and creativity and will satisfy curious and creative minds.


Originally, Bonsai is a Japanese word meaning “tree grown in a pot”. With its graphic and elegant shape, it is reminiscent of a miniature tree, the size and maintenance of which must be precise. It symbolizes harmony, wisdom, and calm, so will be perfect for someone who needs more balance in their life.

The Zamioculcas

This houseplant originated in East Africa, very robust and does not require very meticulous maintenance. The Zamioculcas sports sober and green. It symbolizes abundance and wealth and therefore attracts financial well-being to the house in which it is located. So you know what you have to do!

La Pilea

This pretty green plant, also known as the Chinese Money Plant, eliminates odors by purifying the air. It will easily find its place in your interior. Symbol of prosperity, legend would have it that if you bury a coin at the foot of the plant, the latter will assure you wealth.

The Pachira

This tall plant with beautiful green leaves and a braided trunk. It comes from Central America and adapts very well to our interiors without requiring too much maintenance. Its symbolism is rather attractive since the Pachira is considered a tree of good fortune, which would bring prosperity within the home.

The Aglaonema

It is a so-called depolluting plant that is widely used in Feng Shui and has red and silver foliage. It is a lucky plant that brings serenity to the home while keeping stress away.

Originally from South America and the West Indies, Begonia is a tuberous plant. It is a plant that promotes harmony between friends and is a symbol of sincerity. It also symbolizes precaution and love.

The Dracaena
Also known as the dragon tree because of the red color of its sap, it is a plant from the islands. The Dracaena is the symbol of defense and protection.

Thanks to its magnificent flowers, Jasmine will leave a very pleasant sweet fragrance in your interior. It symbolizes grace, elegance and sensuality.

The olive tree
The olive tree is known to be a symbol of peace and wisdom. This symbol comes to us from the Bible, when the dove sent by Noah after the flood returns with an olive branch in its beak. Of Mediterranean origin, the olive tree symbolizes prosperity, fertility, victory, loyalty, strength and hope. What a nice message to offer an olive tree to those you love.