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<tc>Terrarium</tc>: the reasons to treat yourself to this trendy item

Terrarium : les raisons de (s')offrir cet objet tendance - La Green Touch

Laetitia BOISARD |

terrariums, these mini-ecosystems in jars, are enjoying increasing popularity as interior decoration elements and as original gifts. Enclosing a small plot of nature lush, the terrariums offer much more than their attractive aesthetics. Discover the benefits of terrariums and why they make great gifts.

  1. Ease of maintenance: For lovers of budding plants or those who have a job of time charged, terrariums are a perfect option. Jarred ecosystems require low maintenance, as they recreate a cycle natural d humidity and condensation. This makes it an ideal choice for those who want to enjoy the greenery without spending too much time on maintenance.
  2. Air Purification: Plants play a crucial role in the purification of air by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. terrariums, by containing a small ecosystem, can help to improve the air quality inside our homes.
  3. Unique gift: Giving a terrarium as a gift is one way to show someone you care about their well-being. terrariums are thoughtful, personal gifts that bring a touch of nature to inside the addressee's house.
  4. Creativity: Designing a terrarium is an artistic activity that allows creators to let their imaginations run wild. various containers, substrates colorful and a selection of diverse plants provide space to express your creativity.
  5. Knowledge of the ecosystem: terrariums can also be tools educational. They offer the possibility to observe from close how an ecosystem functions, showing the relationships between plants, soil and water.

terrariums are ideal for bringing a touch of greenery in a space constrained , to offer a gift unique or to create a small bubble of nature educational, terrariums are more than just decorations – they are windows to the beauty and vitality of the natural world.

Discover our collection of terrariums d 'exception but also our DIY kits for more creative among you.