The 5 good reasons to have a houseplant in your kitchen

Les 5 bonnes raisons d'avoir une plante d'intérieur dans sa cuisine - La Green Touch

Laetitia Tavares |

There are several good reasons to have a houseplant in your kitchen, here are 5 of them:

  1. Improving Air Quality: Indoor plants are known for their ability to purify the air by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen. Having a plant in the kitchen can help reduce the presence of harmful substances and improve the quality of the air you breathe while cooking.

  2. Provide Fresh Herbs: Fresh herbs are a great addition to cooking, as they add flavor and aroma to your dishes. Having a small herb garden in your kitchen allows you to have them on hand, ready to pick and use immediately in your recipes.

  3. Decoration and aesthetics: Plants add life and beauty to any space, including the kitchen. They bring a touch of greenery and color, creating a pleasant and welcoming atmosphere in this often used space.

  4. Stress relief: Indoor plants have a soothing effect on our mental well-being. The simple act of gazing at a plant can help reduce stress and anxiety. Having a plant in the kitchen can thus create a more relaxing environment while you prepare your meals.

  5. Culinary Education: Having a plant in the kitchen can be a cooking education and learning opportunity, especially for children. Growing an edible plant, such as an aromatic herb or vegetable, can spark their interest in fresh foods and encourage them to participate more in cooking activities.

Discover our selection of indoor plants to place in your kitchen