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The ecosystem of a closed plant <tc>terrarium</tc>

L’écosystème d'un terrarium végétal fermé - La Green Touch

Laetitia Tavares |

A closed terrarium vegetable, also called terrarium wet or terrarium tropical, is a closed jar composed of one or more small plants. Unlike terrariums open which, reproducing a rather arid environment, are to be preferred for a composition of succulents or cactus.

The ecosystem of a terrarium closed plant

No, there are no lizards in a vegetable terrarium, it is not a vivarium!

A closed plant terrarium makes it possible to reproduce a tropical environment, i.e. temperate or even hot, and above all humid. There will therefore be a need for very little watering thanks to a key element: light which makes it possible to reproduce the water cycle and photosynthesis like nature.

Let's do a little remedial course in natural science

The water cycle in a terrarium:

The glass of the jar absorbs the light of the sun, the temperature inside rises, which causes the plant to sweat.
The water evapotranspired condenses on the colder walls of the terrarium and will turn into small droplets of water that the ground will absorb. Then the roots of the plants absorb the water, and the water cycle begins.

Photosynthesis (simplified version)

Light also allows the plant to carry out its photosynthesis by drawing water via the earth and the roots by capturing the carbon dioxide and produces the elements whose it needs to live, such as oxygen.
condensation therefore makes it possible to irrigate the plant naturally to infinity.


The hygrometry corresponds to the humidity level. In a closed terrarium, the atmospheric humidity level always remains very high: it can approach 100%. Compare that to the relative humidity in a normal home which can reach a maximum of 30%. Knowing that most indoor plants prefer a humidity of 70% and more, an enclosed terrarium seems to them to be a paradise compared to the conditions outside the container.