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The top 10 purifying plants to have in your home

Le top 10 des plantes purifiantes à avoir dans son intérieur - La Green Touch

Laetitia Tavares |

Indoor plants have many virtues and benefits for our interiors. Discover our selection of 10 purifying plants that we would adopt without hesitation to furnish our interiors.

Our baby plants for small spaces

Chamaedorea elegans is also called saw palmetto. It is a beautiful, very resistant indoor palm, which tolerates shady spaces and cigarette smoke.
The syngonium, nicknamed crow's feet because of the decorative shape of its leaves, is a rather climbing plant, which can also be used in suspension.
Different colors available: Red or Pink

Our medium sized plants:

Known as Epipremnum neon, Pothos gold, Pothos neon gold, it is the pothos with yellow, fluorescent, neon foliage.
We call her the Sleeper.
From the Marantaceae family like the Calathea, they share many points in common.

Its magnificent leaves move throughout the day and according to its level of humidity.

This is a Stromanthe but is better known as Calathea Triostar. It has depolluting properties and is not dangerous for our four-legged friends.
Calathea leaves open and close depending on light and its humidity needs.
Pilea Peperomioides is also called Chinese money plant. It grows producing a small central trunk and its round leaves droop all around it.
Pilea has depolluting properties, and is a lucky charm for some. It is also easy to take cuttings and can thus grow into many plants.
Schefflera is a beautiful indoor shrub with small, umbellate leaves.
It is easy to maintain and cleans up interiors.

Our exceptional plants for the largest interiors:

Its full name is Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, but it is called Areca or indoor palm. It is a large plant that easily decorates a room, and is easy to maintain.
The Areca is pet-friendly, it is not dangerous for animals.
It also has depolluting properties.

Philodendron Imperial Green is a cultivar of Philodendron, a species that is easy to grow indoors. It can reach a height of 2 meters in a pot.
A nice set of three beautiful purifying plants, non-toxic to animals! Adopt our Calathea, Areca and Fern, they are beautiful, green and useful.
Improve the air quality in your bedroom or office with our super purifying plants!