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Top 5 cacti and succulents to have at home!

Top 5 des cactus et succulentes à avoir chez soi ! - La Green Touch

Laetitia BOISARD |

Over the years, cacti and succulents have found their place in different interiors. In addition to their originality and unique beauty, their ability to thrive in arid conditions makes them popular choices for all houseplant fans. In addition to their aesthetic appearance, cacti and succulents are also very easy to maintain. So that you are one.e beginner.e, a budding gardener, a.and passionate.e of indoor plants or that plants no longer have any secrets for you, you will find the shoe for you thanks to our selection of cacti and succulents.

In this article, we present the 5 succulents and cacti that will bring a touch of exoticism, freshness and originality to your interior.

1. Opuntia microdasys (Rabbit's Ear) : Opuntia microdasys is a cactus popular in indoor spaces. In addition to its flat stems, green in color light to dark green, which give it its name "Rabbit Ear it also produces beautiful yellow or white flowers that bloom mainly in spring and summer, attracting bees and other pollinating insects. Easy to care for, this plant can survive in dry and hot conditions. You can place it in a place exposed to full sun. As for watering it, you can wait until its soil is dry.

2. Aloe Vera : Aloe Vera, also known as the "plant of a thousand virtues" is a succulent plant with of fleshy and thick leaves. Its leaves are lined with small thorns and enclose a clear, gelatinous pulp which is used for its benefits on health and beauty. In addition to its benefits, it is popular in indoor plant collections thanks to its beauty and ease of maintenance. Aloe can be placed in a sunny place with indirect light and needs watering once its soil is dry (1 times every two to three weekss).

3. Rhipsalis (Rhipsalis baccifera) : Rhipsalis is an epiphytic cactus, meaning it often grows on other plants rather than in floor. This particularity makes them particularly interesting for plant lovers looking for exoticism. This plant is prized for its disheveled appearance and ease of maintenance. Rhipsalis prefers bright, indirect light. The sun could burn its leaves. Let the soil dry out between two waterings (once every two weekss).

4.Euphorbia trigona (African Cactus) : The Euphorbia, also known as African Cactus , is a succulent plant.It takes the form of long upright vertical stems. Its stems are lined with rows of sharp thorns. This succulent is known for its resilience and ease of maintenance. Euphorbia can be placed in a sunny location and does not require much watering. Wait until the soil is dry before each watering.

5. Gasteria : Gasteria is characterized by its thick, fleshy leaves, often dotted with fascinating patterns.This plant is valued for its attractive appearance and modest size. Due to their adaptation to dry environments, Gasterias are easy to care for and can survive with moderate watering.This plant thrives in well-lit locations, but prefers to be shaded from the most direct sunlight.

Dive into the captivating universe of cacti and succulents. These plants with shapes unique and colors vibrant add a touch of green to our living spaces. Easy to maintain and rich in benefits, they are the ideal companions for lovers of nature and gardening.

So let yourself be enchanted by these botanical gems and let the cacti and succulents take you on a magical journey into the heart of nature.

For more choices, check out our collection of cacti and succulents!