What are the mistakes to avoid to preserve your plants?

Quelles sont les erreurs à éviter pour préserver vos plantes ? - La Green Touch

Laetitia Tavares |

Taking care of your plants, taking care of them and seeing them grow every day is a real pleasure. But sometimes, for no apparent reason, we suddenly notice that one or more of our plants is not doing well.In order to make sure that you treat your plants in the best possible way, and to guarantee you a perfect maintenance , we list here the errors to be made. avoid for healthy plants, and for a long time!

With all this, you will have no more excuses!

The amount of watering

Watering is one of the most important things in caring for your plants. Unfortunately it is often poorly managed. However, as the expression says: ''Not too much!'' We therefore advise you to remain reasonable as to the quantity of water when watering your plant, so as not to take the risk of drowning it. A small amount of water at regular intervals is better than random and too abundant watering. Obviously, the amount of water when watering depends on the size of your plant, its variety, etc.

To be sure not to overwater, stop when the ground is wet, but before it is flooded. You can do this several times, to ensure that your plant has drunk the first part of the water you poured on it. So the soil will absorb the right amount desired. Beware of stagnant water in the saucer, remember to remove it to avoid mold on the roots of your plants!

Water quality

We recommend that you do not use hard water and prefer rainwater instead. Your plants will be much better off! For more information, do not hesitate to consult our article on this subject: How to properly water your houseplants?

Sun exposure

Plants obviously need natural light to grow and be healthy. But be careful about the exposure you choose for your plant. Indeed, it will not support direct exposure to sunlight. That said, putting it in the shade won't do it any favors either. You will therefore have to find the ideal balance so that your plant does not suffer from the exposure you reserve for it. We advise you to find a location in your home that is very well lit but that the sun will not however reach directly. If you want to place your plant at the edge of the window, it will imperatively have to be exposed to the east.

Superfluous contributions

We often tend to pay extra attention to our plants. But overdoing it is not a good thing. For example, do not move it near a radiator in winter, it would be too hot! A cooler period brings it the vegetative rest it needs. Do not add too much fertilizer outside of its growth period either (between March and September), this will directly impact the good growth of its roots.

The jar

You can normally keep your plant in its original pot for one year after you buy it. But once again, it is up to you to observe its evolution and its needs and to adapt your gestures, according to each of your plants. If its roots come out of the pot, you feel that your plant is too cramped, it is high time to repot your plant!