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Compose a <tc>terrarium</tc>: Update

Composer un terrarium : Mise à jour - La Green Touch

Laetitia TAVARES |

After several years of activity and experience, we realized that some elements were no longer mandatory, here is an update on the elements and steps to compose your own terrarium DIY. And it's pretty easy to do! You can buy our DIY kit here

The material needed to compose a terrarium

  • Glass jar with cork, glass or wooden lid

  • Soil La Green Touch

  • Pozzolan

  • Sphagnum

  • mini plants

  • Ball Foam

  • Decorative Pebbles

  • Some homemade tools: A soup spoon, chopsticks, a pair of scissors, a paintbrush or our tools here

    1. The choice of the glass jar

    The jar used must not be chosen at random, it must be adapted to the plants you select. If you use a jar that is too narrow, your plants will not be able to flourish in it or you risk repotting them a few months later in a larger jar.The glass should be completely transparent andthin in order to let the light pass. On the other hand, the opening must be wide enough for handling, when installing the plants and then for maintenance. If it's a jar found in your attic, be sure to rinse it well and clean it with a clean cloth.

    Discover a selection of our jars here

    2. The steps to follow

    elements for <tc>terrarium</tc>

    The basement: Drainage

    The drainage system is very important for all plants, but even more for a terrarium, because, not having a possible evacuation of water, drainage becomes fundamental. It thus avoids that the roots are directly with the water.

    To do this it is best to use pozzolan (volcanic rock), but if you have some gravel or small clay pebbles at home it's possible too.Spread this drainage layer evenly about 1.5 cm in height.

    Soil: Substrate

    Before adding the potting soil, you will incorporate the sphagnum moss, which will absorb as much moisture as possible (up to 8 times its volume!). Sphagnum also prevents the development of bacteria thanks to its very high acidity level.
    You can then incorporate the soil using a funnel or a small shovel. You will stop when your jar is 1/3 full.

    Choice of plants to compose your terrarium

    mini plant for <tc>terrarium</tc>

    Before integrating your plants, imagine your miniature landscape from the outside, integrating although a terrarium must be admired from face and not seen from above. It is therefore ideally necessary to combine 1 tall plant and 1 or 2 small plants depending on the size of your jar.
    Check out our top 10 plants to use in terrarium here.

    You can also create a small hill, with for example 2-3 cm of soil in the front and 4-5 cm in the back.

    Dig with a tablespoon where you want to plant your plants.

    Scrape the root ball of your first small plant, paying attention to the roots in order to remove a good part of its substrate, moisten it if the roots are too dry then plant it in your terrarium. Be careful, the leaves of the plant should not touch the wall of the jar.Repeat the operation for all your plants.

    Also add a moss ball which will not only bring a hilly side to your indoor garden, but above all will allow you to check the humidity level of terrarium. As soon as the moss turns yellow, it's time to water it.

    Finally, finish with a decorative touch by integrating a few small pebbles or pebbles that you have cleaned beforehand.

    There you go, your terrarium wet is ready :)

    Note: Although the terrarium is almost self-sufficient and requires very little maintenance, the few small actions to be taken afterwards are very important , so don't forget to follow our practical maintenance guide here.