DIY: Cultivation of a clusia in hydroponics

DIY : Culture d'un clusia en hydroponie - La Green Touch

Laetitia TAVARES |

It's the latest trend of the moment, hydroculture! It's very aesthetic, we watch the roots of our pretty plants grow, there is very little maintenance, we know when to water,

How to proceed? Which suitable plants? We answer your questions

What is hydroponics?

It's a method that allows you to grow your plants outside the ground and it's very easy to set up.

This technique also makes it possible to make cuttings for our favorite plants.

Here, we love hydroculture, this new way of seeing our dear plants evolve, it's so fascinating!

What is the advantage of hydroponics?

Hydroponic cultivation avoids forgetting to water, as well as repotting because the plant remains constantly in water. On the other hand, plants grow faster, being in direct contact with water because usually the earth absorbs a good part of it.

In hydroponics, you can avoid certain diseases or proliferation of insects, because there is no stagnant moist soil and therefore fewer pests around the plant.

Which plants to use for growing on water?

Most houseplants can be used for hydroponics. It is better to choose plants that have thick roots, they will hold up much better in water. Avoid flowering plants as well as plants that do not need a rest period or those that live in a dry environment such as cacti. We will also favor small plants or cuttings.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of plants to grow in water:

Clusia, Anthurium, Philorendron, Pothos,... We offer on our site a DIY Clusia kit in hydroponics.

Here are the steps to follow to put your Clusia in the water

How to prepare a plant in hydro?

kit diy clusia hydroculture hydroponie

- Unpot your plant

- Remove all the soil without damaging the roots. It is very important that there is no trace left

- Rinse the roots with lukewarm water

- Gently place the plant in its glass container then cover the roots with water. Prefer spring water to avoid limestone and bring minerals.

Every 6 months, empty the container, clean it and the roots of your plant, as a slight deposit of algae may be deposited.

Ideally, at least twice a year, you should add a nutrient solution, a specific liquid fertilizer for hydroponics to fill in any nutrient deficiencies your plant may have.

Tip: Switch to hydroponics in the spring: the new root system will develop better.