TOP 5 of the most beautiful tropical plants to have at home for a guaranteed Jungle decoration!

TOP 5 des plus belles plantes tropicales à avoir chez soi pour une décoration Jungle garantie ! - La Green Touch

Laetitia TAVARES |

With La Green Touch, create a real urban jungle in your living room!

Plants are a beauty that nature has given us, and we are lucky enough to be able to decorate our interiors with many varieties with ever more beautiful and decorated leaves. In town, they remind us of the world beyond concrete, and clean up our apartments. They are a calming presence in our home, and for years, an essential element of decoration. If you listen to your plants, and follow the care advice that corresponds to them, they can accompany you for years.

TOP 5 of the most beautiful tropical plants to have at home

Monstera Deliciosa

Monstera deliciosa

Anthurium Clarinervium

anthurium clarinervium

Monstera Adansonii

monstera obliqua adansonii plante abonnement jungle

Philodendron Red beauty

philodendron red beauty plante jungle

Alocasia Amazonica

alocasia amazonica plante abonnement jungle livraison

Here are all our tips for a successful plant decoration, so that your living room becomes a small city jungle.

- Keep your plants in top shape, trim the leaves that are dying and clean the others, your plant will be all the more radiant.
- Gather your plants, and have them pose for the camera. Grouping them by family can be a good strategy to adopt, they will not compete too much, and above all you can maintain them all at the same time.
- Play with leaf colors and shapes, green is not the only plant color. Here at La Green Touch, we offer plants in all shades of green, but also purple, red, yellow, black etc. We also have plants of all families and varieties. Remember that a group of plants will hold the humidity better, which our tropical plants appreciate.
- In the same spirit, play with vines, let them flow along the furniture, or quite simply from the ceiling by hanging your plants there. Along a window, the effect is most guaranteed.

Check out our JUNGLE plant subscription

With this in mind, we offer you our JUNGLE subscription, which for three to six months will deliver tropical plants as well as maintenance accessories to revegetate your interior and bring it THE Green Touch.

In this subscription you will discover Monstera Deliciosa and Adansonii, two tropical plants appreciated for the beauty of their leaves, their attractive appearance and their ease of maintenance. The holey leaves of the andansonii are a curiosity that will appeal to your loved ones, and that of the deliciosa will make you want to lie down under a canopy somewhere in the southern hemisphere.

Jungle also offers you two beautiful calatheas with magnificent foliage: the calathea orbifolia, with large round and striated leaves, and the makoyana, which has beautiful tiger leaves with purple undersides and stems.

L'anthurium clarinervium, one of our flagship plants, will also be included in the set. Easy to maintain, it always has a nice effect with its large dark leaves that copy the shape of the spade sign from card games. Nice clear veins run through it and make it relaxing to look at.

Finally the Alocasia Amazonica will also be present at the rendezvous. Prized by some, it is undeniably beautiful and graphic.