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DIY video: How to make your <tc>terrarium</tc> easily?

Vidéo DIY : Comment réaliser son terrarium facilement ? - La Green Touch

Laetitia Tavares |

DIY video: How to make your terrarium easily?

Want to create your own terrarium yourself? Nothing's easier ! We show you through this tutorial the steps to follow along with some tips. You can buy one of our kits HERE.

The material present in the Cortica kit - size L:

- a large recycled glass jar with its cork stopper (height 32cm - diameter 21cm)
- a large ficus (Height 20cm)
- a green Fittonia
- an asparagus
- large ball moss
- Substrate, earth, puzzolana...
- special soil for terrarium
- decorative elements
- a design and maintenance guide

The 6 steps to follow to achieve your terrarium:

  1. Pour the pozzolana into the bottom of the jar then add a ball of peat moss on top.

  2. Cover with potting soil, then dig a hole using your fingers to prepare for the arrival of the plants.

  3. Unpot your plants then plant them inside your jar.

  4. Place the mosses, being careful not to stick them too much to the plants.

  5. Clean the walls of your jar with a brush

  6. Decorating: lay out your pebbles and pebbles, leaving room for your imagination!