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Maintenance Alocasia giant elephant ears

Entretien Alocasia oreilles d'éléphant géantes - La Green Touch

Laetitia Tavares |

Alocasia Giant Elephant Ears


A magnificent indoor plant, the Alocasia can measure up to 1m20 in width and 2m in height.

Originally grown, it needs room to flourish and likes rather subdued light . Direct sun could scorch its foliage.


Keep its soil moist throughout the year.
To ensure its proper development, remove faded leaves.

A lack of ambient humidity will cause the tips of the leaves to dry out . In summer, we advise you to spray its foliage well daily, with non-calcareous water.
Also, keep it away from sources of heat (radiators, fireplaces) and drafts.
We also recommend that you provide it with some fertilizer approximately every 15 days from June to October

Planting / Repotting

Repotting is done every year, in the spring, with compost for green plants. Don't forget to place clay pebbles in the bottom of the pot to aid drainage.

Good to know!

Brown spots appearing on the foliage are a sign of lack of humidity. To remedy this:
place the pot on a saucer filled with wet clay pebbles. Evaporation will thus provide the plant with the humidity it needs.
The deformation of the leaves is often due to an excess of water:
then reduce watering and remove the damaged leaves.

The little extra

Its giant leaves!


Southeast Asia



Type of plant
